A.R.L. (Additional Recreation League)

Program Information

The Additional Recreaiton League is for our recreation-level players who love the game of soccer and wish to play more often than the recreation program provides.

Teams are formed and train in the Greensboro, Bermuda Run, and Danville, VA regions. During registration, you select the location that is closest to your home.

A.R.L. Program Details:

  • For players in the 11U-14U boys or girls age groups (born in 2011-2014) 10U players wishing to 'play up' in the A.R.L. must get permission before registering.  If necessary, age groups may be combined.  (i.e. it is possible to have a girls' U11-U13 division if the lack of U14 girls dictates)
  • Players MUST be registered to participate in the NC Fusion or Southside (Danville, VA) Recreation program, see the link below to complete the recreation registration.
  • Train 2 times per week.  1 session is with your recreation team, and 1 session will be with the A.R.L. team.  A.R.L. training session will be scheduled in conjunction with the recreation team practices and at the request of the volunteer parent coach of the A.R.L. team. 
  • In addition to games with the recreation teams, A.R.L. players will participate in 6 additional games, typically scheduled on, but not limited to, 3 Sunday afternoons. 
  • 1 tournament per season.  A.R.L. players will be registered for the tournament with their A.R.L. team and cannot be rostered for the same tournament with any other team.  If the A.R.L. player's recreation team enters a tournament in which the A.R.L. team is playing, the player will play with the A.R.L. team.
  • Fall AND/OR Spring season commitment
  • Teams led by Volunteer Coaches with the Technical Direction of the Fusion staff

Rules of the Game


All players interested in the A.R.L. program are welcome to participate.  We intend to form A.R.L. Teams in the Greensboro and WS / Bermuda Run areas.  During registration, you will select the location closest to your home.  Team placements will be announced before the start of the season.  **Don't forget to register for the recreation program as well!**

Important Dates

Date Description
February 26 Deadline to register for Recreation & A.R.L. programs
Week of March 17 Practices for ARL Teams
March 30 ARL Games
April 6 ARL Games
April 17 Deadline to Alert Maddy Gilhool if Team will play Fusion Cup
April 27 ARL Games
May 4 ARL Make Up Games
May 10 ARL Cup Tournament (may include outside recreation teams)
May 16-18 Fusion Cup OPTIONAL and addit team entry fees apply

Game and tournament schedules will be provided by the program director at the start of each season and can be found on the team calendar in your PlayMetrics account.

Program Fees

Uniforms & Fan Gear

Program Fees
Recreation and A.R.L. - 1 season $300 = $125 for Recreation + $175 for A.R.L.
Registration is required each season

The A.R.L. fees do not include the cost of the recreation program. Players will need to be registered for both the Recreation and ARL programs.  Exception: Players in the Southside (Danville, VA) area, will not need to register separately for the Southside recreation program.

PAYMENT OPTIONS: Fees may be paid in full, 3 and 6 month payment options are also available. A $3.00 processing fee will be added to each payment.

PROGRAM FEES: All expenses are included except for travel and the uniform.

LATE PAYMENTS: Players will be ineligible to Participate in training, games or tournaments if the account becomes 15 days past due.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - NC Fusion is dedicated to provide opportunities in sport to all youth, regardless of the ability to pay, to the extent that financial assistance funds are available. Up to 80 percent of program fees may be awarded based on demonstrated need. To apply, go to the Programs section in your PlayMetrics account and select the Financial Aid tab. You will need to be prepared to provide proof of income documents.

Players are required to purchase the NC Fusion uniform. This is a one time purchase and may be worn for multiple seasons.

Players will also need shin guards, cleats, a size 4 soccer ball and water bottle. These items may be purchased at any retailer. 

All players are expected to wear the uniform to each game.  Comfortable athletic gear, including shin guards with socks on top, should be worn to practices.

Click here to purchase the uniform Click here to purchase Fan Gear


Name Position Email
Andrew Fleming Recreation Director afleming@ncfusion.org
Kiley Cirllo Head of Soccer Operations kcirillo@ncfusion.org
Kristen Strain Chief Administrative Officer kstrain@ncfusion.org
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