Ankle injuries are the most common musculoskeletal injuries in sport, and can take even weeks out of your season. For those without a history of ankle injuries, this can be a great maintenance program to strengthen the muscles that support your ankle. For those that have had ankle sprains (this season or previously), there has been damage to the ligaments that surround your ankle. By strengthening the muscles, you add back that support that may be lacking.Here is a relatively quick program where you can pick and choose what works for you or follow the whole thing.
These basically go up in difficulty. If you haven’t had an ankle injury, you can skip the first 2 if you want (circles, alphabets). If you have had an injury, definitely focus on the early exercises and work up to the last 3 as you get stronger and more confident with your ankle stability.
Equipment: resistance band (order off Amazon, Theraband is a good brand); foam pad (not important if you can’t get one)
If you can’t get a resistance band: for those exercises, sit on the ground and use your ball against the wall to push into to create force in the directions shown (for the dorsiflexion, you can do more of a hold, pull your toes towards your nose and hold for 5 seconds, then rest)
Any questions feel free to reach out: Ariana Chambers, MS, LAT, ATC
Work cell (text): 336-618-0811